Ali " 

Ali Club

Minutes of  Beer Gathering

held on 28th February 2024 at

Ye Olde Whyte Lyon, Locksbottom

Present:                                Captain Gazza         OJ          "No Messin'" John      Old Vic

                                                Puttin'Pete        Saint "Walks on Water"  

Apologies:                              "Nobby" Neal        Bald Eagle   Mick "Irons" Rafferty

Pete acknowledged that Kevin has withdrawn from this year's Tour but is welcome to join us next year so will be kept on distribution lists. Casper will have to step up again.

Congratulations to Vic on his 70th Birthday yesterday and welcome to the Zimmer Man club. 

1. Endorsement of Minutes

Ø       The minutes of the AGBG on 30th October 2023 were endorsed as a true record of that evening by Ojal and endorsed by Gazza         

2. 28th Annual Ali Cub Tour update:

Ø       Captain Gazza gave a reminder of the tour details:

        - Whittlebury Park, 14th to 16th June 2024

         - Costs, £269 each for those sharing rooms and £389 for those in singles

        -  3 doubles and 4 singles booked (Kevin, Gary, Ojal, Vic) - Gazza has since cancelled Kevin's single room

        - Tee Offs

                - Friday        1 pm   Yellow / Red Course 

                - Saturday    2 pm  Blue / Yellow Course

                - Sunday      11.20 am   Red / Blue Course

        - New shirt, Grey and White block

Ø       The Groupings each day will be three 3 balls so 6 buggies required each day. 5 booked so far.


Gazza to contact Whittlebury Park ProShop and order extra buggy for each day (6 in total per day)

Gazza to start work on Tour Programme, maybe with some assistance from his James

Gazza to distribute new shirts at next Beer Gathering

3. Treasurers Report :-

Ø     Honorary Treasurer John updated us on the accounts. Our current bank balance is £6,612

Ø      Each person needs to have built up £660 this year by the time we go on tour (+ £120 single room supplements) After this year's costs there and added to the brought forward figure there will be money available to carry forward to next year.

Ø   Individual positions are as follows:

-    Pete, John, Ojal, Gazza, Vic, Mick  - Paying £55 a month

        Single room supplements of £120 to be paid by Ojal, Vic and Gazza

-    Saint - £410 in arrears, Paying £60 a month

-    Bazza, £660 to be transferred to John

-    Neal, Paid £200, John will contact Neil to agree how balance will be transferred.   

-    Kevin - not paying anything but John has refunded his brought forward balance


Closer to Tour, Neal to transfer £400 to John, Bazza £660, Ojal, Vic and Gazza £120 each (single supplements)

Saint to transfer last tour's Golfbreak discount points to Gazza's account 692824

John to pay final bill by 19th April

Ø   Prizes as previously agreed:

    -    every day, LD £25, NTP £25,

    -   Yellow Ball £10 a team person (3 man teams), Action: John to source balls

    -    across tour, Twos Pot £60

    -    2 winners, £25 bottle of wine each, Action: Captain Gazza to source

4. Update on engraving of trophies:-

Ø   All trophies engraved except Main Trophy and Zimmer Man Cup

Action: Ojal to get both engraved before final pre tour Beer Gathering

5. Draw for Tour Partners

Ø   The draw was made by John and Saint                                                   

Ø   The pairings (and roomies) are as follows:

Vic          &    Mick          (Winners in 1996, Parts in 2004, 2007 and 2014) 

John        &    Saint           (Parts in 2011)

Ojal        &     Neal           (Parts in 2021)

Casper   &     Bazza         (Newbies)

Gazza     &     Pete           (Newbies)


Ø   As Vic, Ojal, and Gazza have opted for single rooms, their partners will share as follows: 

Mick    &      Neal                

          Bazza   &      Pete

Action: Pete drew the Playing Groups post gathering  PLAYING GROUPS


6. A.O.B.

Ø   Next Beer Gathering Date changed as it clashed with Mick's birthday - guarantees he will attend.


7. Future dates for your diary

 Ø Beer Gatherings (at Ye Olde Whyte Lyon, Locksbottom): 

    Ø     Monday 13th May        -        Handicaps - Neal to Zoom in, Driving Arrangements

 Ø       14th to 16th June                 -       28th Annual Tour - Whittlebury Park

 Ø       ??                                       -     Paul Allen Golf Day

 Ø       14th October                       -    AGBG - Announcement of the 29th Annual Tour venue


John announced the gathering was closed at 9.49pm

                                                                                                         Puttin' Pete, Honorary Secretary 26.2.24