Ali " 

Ali Club

Minutes of Annual General Beer Gathering

held on 30th October 2023 at 8.30pm

Ye Olde Whyte Lyon

Present:                    Captain Gazza      Vic        Ojal       Pete    Bazza    John

Apologies:                Kevin        Neal        Mick    Saint

Good to welcome Victor back.

1. Endorsement of minutes from 15th May 2023 Beer Gathering:-

Ø      The minutes of the May Beer Gathering were proposed as a correct record of that gathering by Bazza and seconded by Ojal as a fine record of that event.

2. Confirmation of Officers:-

Ø      Agreed in May 2010 that  the existing officers would be automatically re-instated infinitely, unless opposed. Nobody else put themselves forward at the gathering. Officers are therefore confirmed as follows:

        -  Honorary Treasurer - John;

        -  Honorary General Secretary - Pete;

        -  Honorary Handicap Secretary:- Neal

        - Honorary Dealer - Bazza

3. Captain Gazza's 2024 Tour Update :-

Ø        Gazza has already booked the tour and John paid deposits - to Whittlebury Park, near Silverstone, Northampton just over 2 hours away.

Ø        The cost is £269 for those sharing a room and £389 for singles.

Ø        Ten of us going on Tour so we need 3 twin rooms and 4 singles (Gazza, Kevin, Ojal, Vic). 

Ø        There are three 9 holes which we will mix and match

Ø        Tee time:-

    - Friday 14th June 1pm                    Yellow and Red courses

    - Saturday 15th June  2pm (tbc)       Blue and Yellow courses

    - Sunday 16th June 11.20                Red and Blue courses

Ø       5 Buggies have been booked for all three days

Ø       Shirts - Our red one will be 9 years old by Tour, the Blue hooped one - 5 years old, the grey one - 4 years old. Time for e a new shirt!

Action:- Gazza to source a new shirt - colour of his choice.

4. Treasurers Report :-

Ø      Our current bank balance is £5,620 which represents various amounts per person. Basically, we all carried forward £507 each (except Kevin £376, Saint £52 and Neal -£18).

Ø      We are all now on £55  per month except Saint £60, Bazza, Kevin and Neal who pay once a year.

Ø      The cost of Tour and extras is close to our annual subs but no change to change. Single room supplements are extra.

Action:- Closer to Tour, Neal to transfer £600 to John, Bazza £660, Kevin £660 + £120 = £780, Ojal, Vic and Gazza £120 each (single supplements)

5. Trophy Engraving Update:-

            Main Trophy - Ojal - in hand, by next gathering

            Hawaii Cup - Neal - Done and presumably on display.

            Swingers Trophy - Bazza - Done and presumably on display

            Old Zimmer Man Trophy - Ojal - in hand, by next gathering

6. Future dates for your diary

    Ø      26th February 2024                   -        Beer Gathering, Tour Update

    Ø      20th May 2024                            -      Beer Gathering, Handicaps

  Ø      14th to 16th June 2024              -      Ali Club 28th Annual Tour to Whittlebury Park

7. A.O.B.

  Ø     None

John announced the AGBG was closed at 10.09pm 

                                                                                                         Puttin' Pete, Honorary Secretary 30.10.2023